dare to dream

Thursday, December 21, 2006

a new designation comes with a new challenge

hi all....

today is the happiest day for me...ever! i am now officially promoted as new Operations Manager for AEON/Jusco NBD Department. alhamdulillah! first and foremost, i would like to thank Allah s.w.t for giving me this once in a lifetime opportunity. secondly, i would like to thank my parents for always being there for me. God, please bless them for being ultra-kind, ultra-supportive and also ultra-parents (not ultraman). i would also like to thank Mr. Wakayama Kazunori for his trust and guidance, Puan Subaidah Sidek for her full support and kindness and last but not least, my lovely staff for working so hard to make our dreams come true. i cannot promise my bosses the moon but i can promise them my full commitment, hardwork, professionalism, good judgment plus my blood and sweat (what!!!).

now i have 10 managers reporting to me (there will be more next year) plus almost 150 staff and my responsibilities are to give them full support, sufficient and efficient training programmes, to improve leadership skills among leaders, to increase sales and profit, to develop new managers for future expansion/career growth programme and to create/improve better standard operating procedures (SOP) for my managers/staff to follow.

but one thing for sure, without the help from Allah s.w.t, those plans will easily burst into pieces. so i pray to Him to guide me and correct me all the way so that i would not be like a lonely drifter walking along an empty street. for those who have been supporting me thru good and bad times, all i can is -"thanks a million guys! you guys really awesome!"


Anonymous said...

congrats bung, cayalah.Go get em tiger!

nadya.s said...

congrats dude. time to sattle down pulak kot? hehe..

Anonymous said...

congratulations & may Allah bless you always -maya-