dare to dream

Thursday, December 21, 2006

a new designation comes with a new challenge

hi all....

today is the happiest day for me...ever! i am now officially promoted as new Operations Manager for AEON/Jusco NBD Department. alhamdulillah! first and foremost, i would like to thank Allah s.w.t for giving me this once in a lifetime opportunity. secondly, i would like to thank my parents for always being there for me. God, please bless them for being ultra-kind, ultra-supportive and also ultra-parents (not ultraman). i would also like to thank Mr. Wakayama Kazunori for his trust and guidance, Puan Subaidah Sidek for her full support and kindness and last but not least, my lovely staff for working so hard to make our dreams come true. i cannot promise my bosses the moon but i can promise them my full commitment, hardwork, professionalism, good judgment plus my blood and sweat (what!!!).

now i have 10 managers reporting to me (there will be more next year) plus almost 150 staff and my responsibilities are to give them full support, sufficient and efficient training programmes, to improve leadership skills among leaders, to increase sales and profit, to develop new managers for future expansion/career growth programme and to create/improve better standard operating procedures (SOP) for my managers/staff to follow.

but one thing for sure, without the help from Allah s.w.t, those plans will easily burst into pieces. so i pray to Him to guide me and correct me all the way so that i would not be like a lonely drifter walking along an empty street. for those who have been supporting me thru good and bad times, all i can is -"thanks a million guys! you guys really awesome!"

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

iron lady

hi all!

this lovely woman is simply awesome! i guess she has proved something to us that women who wear headscarf can excel in sports. much has been discussed about Muslim women getting involved in sports and many wrong interpretations have come out especially from Western countries. Islam doesn't prevent women from taking part in sports competition as long as they follow the "rules". and Ruqaya Al Ghasara, a Bahrain sprinter has proved to Western people and non-believers out there that Islam is a moderate religion.

Ruqaya Al Ghasara says in an interview with BBC that she isn't held back by running in a hijab, or full Muslim headscarf. in fact, she says, it makes her even quicker. "Wearing traditional Muslim dress has encouraged me. it's not an obstacle - quite the opposite," said the iron lady who won the gold medal in the 200-metres Monday night in 23.19 seconds.

to Ruqaya, keep up the good work! you have made all Muslims proud! keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

prepare for the worst!

hi people!

in life..at times, our worst nightmare can simply come without warning. your best mate can become your worst enemy in one second and your good boss can become an evil out of nowhere. do not be surprise if your boss doesn't walk the talk and upset you in a blink of an eye. i had that experience before and the pain is still here..deep down in my heart. i'm so fortunate that my current bosses are so understanding and very helpful. they are simply amazing!

there are bosses out there who do nothing except finding other people's faults (some of them are so busy with their laptops for hours). once captured...man! you'll be given below expectation minus! and your mistake will be remembered forever. in other words, dude, you better find a new job because you have no future here. i still remember, a few years back, when one of my best friends, backstabbed me by telling my bosses things that i believe could be solved professionally (unless, at that time, she really wanted to kill my career and trying to get rid of me). she told my bosses that my staff brought magazines and foods in that small kiosk during slow days. i was in Singapore at that time. i had no idea at all because before i left for Singapore, this kind of thing did not happen. the funny thing is, she didn't consult the issue with me personally and i was not informed of that matter until i was scolded unfairly by my bosses in meeting room and was treated like i was the most wanted criminal in this country. after all the hard works, sacrifices, blood and sweat that i've given to my beloved company, i've never thought that i'd be given that kind of treatment.

i was so mad but managed to control my anger. but only God knows how sad i was at that time. but Tuhan itu adil. a year later, when i was at Lot 10 outlet (and she was transferred to Mid Valley outlet from KLCC), GSC Mid Valley was one of my favorite places to hang out. it was my day off and as usual i wanted to watch my favorite movie at GSC. after i bought the ticket, i felt like visiting my ex staff at the kiosk. to my surprise, i saw the backstabber eating ''keropok'' in front of the POS machine and was so obsessed with the food until she didn't realize that i was standing beside her. now look who's talking! she was caught red-handed! by me! a handsome guy whom she used to backstab a year ago with the same kind of issue! haha...

she almost freaked out but managed to control herself. i smiled at her and say "hi!". after chit-chatting for a while...guess what happened right after that? she offered me the ''keropok'' and when i opened the drawer below the POS machine...mak oi! sebut je apa nak baca!
semua ada! macam macam ada!

as an Outlet Manager, she shouldn't do that! she complained about my staff a year ago but now dia pulak yang buat! to make things even funnier, everytime i went to Mid Valley after that very day, and she happened to work at kiosk, i had caught her red-handed more than 3 times! but did i take my revenge to smear her name! no way hose! i'm not that low, dirty filthy stinky idiot! i was so lucky to have so many true friends/managers who had been supporting me consistently in every angle. until now...this secret is still with me and eventhough she never asked for my forgiveness, i have decided to forgive her sincerely. but to simply forget what she had done to me, i don't think so. once bitten twice shy dude! till then....

Thursday, December 07, 2006

welcome to AEON/Jusco CN and Azhar!

gorgeous Darina Albakri in Madrid, Spain

Tentang Dia

after almost 6 months working as the only ex-San Francisco Coffee staff in Jusco's NBD Department, 2 of my good friends from SFCC are now part of Jusco team. Azhar has joined this public listed company last month and the other one CN will join Azhar next week. they have the leadership skills, talent and experience that i want to support NBD team to become the best department in AEON/Jusco. my personal target is to train them to become my Area Managers in less than 2 years (insyaallah). starting 1st of January 2007, i will have 10 managers working under me and i need to make sure that all of them meet company's expectations (which i believe they can) before we open more stores next year based on the original plan. Jusco/NBD department at the same time is planning to open more than 50 outlets before 2010 and i hope this plan will succeed so that i can create better career growth within this department.

so to Azhar and CN, you guys have made the right choice. AEON/Jusco is a company that provides job security, career development, lucrative rewards and a place where you guys can work for so so so many years, insyaallah! untuk 2 orang boss saya yang sangat baik dan amat memahami, Puan Subaidah Sidek and Mr. Wakayama Kazunori, thanks for putting your trust in me and insyaallah, i won't disappoint you guys! till then...