dare to dream

Sunday, September 03, 2006

eminem world

Without Me - Live

hi guys! i'm on MC today. i have a very bad fever and been sleeping on and off since yesterday. as usual, i don't have the appetite to eat. semua makanan rasa macam sama je. i was listening to Eminem's album just now and it gave me the tonic that i wanted. After Zuhur prayer, i watched Eminem's video (vcd) alone and i sincerely think Eminem's concert is entertaining and outstanding (well... Motley Crue's concert is outstanding too!). i just hope someday Eminem will stop using the "f" word in his songs. nak nyanyi pun susah! Eminem is undoubtedly the most gifted rapper i've ever known. I used to listen to Tupac Shakur when my best mate, Nggek, introduced me to 2 Pac's album in 1995. and 2 Pac was as controversial as Eminem right now. both rappers have similar personal-life problems and came from broken societies. oklah, gotta go now and see you guys next week.

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