dare to dream

Friday, May 12, 2006

tit for tat situation

hi again! my friends keep asking me why i don't upload any photos in my blog. well..the only honest reason i can give is..SORRY GUYS! I DON'T HAVE NICE PHOTOS TO BE UPLOADED HERE. at least not for the next few months. but i will try my best to shoot more photos in the near future. i'm a lazy bone kind of person when it comes to shooting photos. i sincerely don't know why. anyhow, the reason i started my own blog pun not to satisfy anyone out there. it's just for my own satisfaction. hahaha...don't mad at me dude! but keep on supporting ya. i realize many of my best friends do not notice the existence of this blog. i don't mean to be rude but to be honest with you, only few (very few to be exact) people know about it. but i promise i will spread the word when the right time has come. to all bloggers out there...keep blogging and keep rockin'!

1 comment:

Meet Encik Kamal said...

hi bhamini, wow!!...i never thought someday someone would come across this humble blog..all the way from India. thanks bhamini! i would surely visit your blog from time to time. i cannot promise a regular visit since i'm a "busy" man (haha...really?) but you can keep my word for it. thanks again ya!