dare to dream

Friday, April 14, 2006

i'm a homesick type of guy and i love my parents.

stop laughing dude! it's true! strange but true. i'm not saying that i'm a type of person that needs to be pampered by my parents 24-7 but when i was small ..the only thing that i hated most was to be separated from my parents. to be honest with you guys, i hate living in a place where my parents are miles away. 5 years at Sekolah Menengah Sains Teluk Intan was a nightmare for a "manja" guy like me. hahaha...but the funny thing is, my schoolmates didn't even know about it bcoz i was truly a good pretender. well...no wonder they say a man has his own ego..i still remember crying on my bed in the middle of the nite bcoz i missed my mom so much! i was in Form One at that time. hahaha...but then i grew up maturedly, slowly and faithfully as time went by. and now i'm not as "manja" as before. but i still cannot live thousand miles away from my parents. i love them so much and i would do anything to make them happy till the last breath of their life. many people would call me stupid but i know who i am and what i'm capable of. but the case will DEFINITELY be different if i have to go overseas for the sake of holidaying or traveling bcoz i know it will only take months to complete the whole vacation. in other words, it depends on situation. but of course i will encourage my future children to study abroad if they have the opportunity and privilege to do that. a close friend of mine used to ask me whether this 'homesick attitude' will stay with me forever. the answer is NO. like i said before, it depends on situation. 3 years from now, if my company asks me to work in other countries...of course i have to accept it, right? but hopefully my boss will allow me to bring my wife, my kids and my parents along bcoz for me...as long as my parents are still alive and kickin, i will do ANYTHING for them. but if i can only bring my wife and my kids, i'll definitely visit my parents twice a year. sabda Rasulullah s.a.w " barangsiapa yang ingin anaknya berbakti kepada dirinya semasa ia tua, maka hendaklah ia menjaga orang tuanya sebaik baiknya." insyaallah i will try my best to be a good son. amin amin ya rabbal alamin. to my mom - eventhough you won't be able to read my blog, i would like to wish you Happy Mother's Day and thanks a lot for taking care of me from the beginning until now. it's my time to repay all your kindness and only God knows, no matter how hard i try, it won't even surpass the love that you have given to me.


Anonymous said...

AC, aku dulu pun macam kau gak! biasalah kan. nobody is perfect. dari dulu dah aku tahu ko anak yg baik. hehehe...

Anonymous said...

AC...takkan kami je yang tahu pasal blog ko ni? ko tak inform Azie ke? ala, hebohkanlah satu dunia.