dare to dream

Monday, May 05, 2008

Gen.2 rocks!

when some people seem to be proud of their exclusive Mercedes or BMW cars, i, on the other hand, am truly proud of my humble Gen.2 and if there's a tycoon out there wants to offer me a free Mercedes, or a Ferrari or perhaps a 1 million BMW SUV, i will definitely take any of those cars just to be converted to a nice bungalow in Desa Parkcity, buy a new Gen.2 limited edition and keep the balance in my Tabung Haji account. hahaha...crazy huh!

well, i was born as an old-fashioned type of guy and eventhough i am truly a car enthusiast, i don't think i will spend more than 180k for one car unless my monthly income is more than RM 13,000 a month. i'd rather buy other gadgets or spend my money on decorating my condo or buy a land anywhere in Malaysia as one of my future investments. my previous experience had taught me to be more "careful" when it comes to money because when i was in Shah Alam (UITM), i used to have only a few ringgit in my wallet and i was so ashamed to call my dad eventhough i knew he would definitely bank-in a sufficient amount of money to be used thru ups and downs.

back to my humble Gen.2, as an Operations Manager, i need to visit Jusco stores all over Malaysia and i really need a car that i can "belasah" every now and then. and my Gen.2 truly rocks! from north to south, from east to west, from A to Z, from Wangsa Maju to Seremban 2, from third floor to ground floor (what?), from hopeless to helpless, from nowhere to somewhere, from nobody to somebody, from blogspot to facebook, from the earth to the moon, from January to December, from Standard 1 to Form 5, from stupid to clever, from Kuala Perlis to Langkawi, from salary to income tax, from Metallica to Radiohead, from Uji Rashid to DJ Dave, from Barack Obama to Osama Ben Laden, from air paip to air mineral, from Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader, from Wayne Rooney to Carlos Tevez and last of all, from gerai nasi lemak Haji Dollah to gerai mee bandung Makcik Leha, my Gen.2 is just phenomenal!

that's why, every morning, before i heat up the engine, i will talk to my car "macam orang tak betul". my favorite conversation is," morning, bro! malam tadi sejuk tak? nanti cukup 10,000 km, gua hantar lu kat Proton Service Centre yek! dah breakfast belum? apasal tak breakfast lagi! jom gua belanja. lepas tu gua bawa lu jalan jalan macam biasa. cukup seminggu, gua kasi lu mandi kat car wash depan sana." am i crazy or what?

the best part is, i never thought that my Gen.2 can reach 210 km per hour until recently, when i was on my way back to KL from Melaka. even my previous Waja can only reach 205 km per hour. what has Proton done to my automatic transmission Gen.2?
anyhow, i have promised to myself that i will never breach the law again. takut!!!

well...before i call it a day, let me remind all of you that my birthday is on the 9th of May ya. hahaha....er, it ain't funny, huh! till then...gudnite!