dare to dream

Wednesday, January 09, 2008


Jangan Bilang Tidak


here are some of the issues that i would like to share with you guys. so please stay focus.

1) i've seen many men hardly wash their dishes or plates after having breakfast, lunch, dinner or even late supper. these "lazy creatures" depend totally on their wives to wash their plates because they just cannot wait to grab their stupid "rokok". c'mon guys! never treat your lovely wives like a slave! even our prophet Muhammad SAW never treated his wives like that. surprisingly, many of my dear friends who have this kind of "abnormal" habit are degree holders! what a shame!

2) some married men cannot leave their "happy go lucky" attitude and they still go to discotheques and night clubs with their friends. they leave their lovely wives at home most of the time because of one reason and one reason only. they are not mentally and physically prepared to become good husbands. they just love their friends more than they love their wives. damn!

3) when it comes to housekeeping, some men are so lazy to help their wives in keeping their room/kitchen clean. during their rest days, they prefer to spend the whole day sleeping and dreaming like there's no tomorrow. guys, wake up! where are all the promises that you've given to your wives before you guys got married? gone with the wind?

4) after 5 years of marriage, some of my close friends do not really care about the "welfare" of their children. they hardly spend their free time with them because they are so busy "flirting" with other chicks at shopping malls etc. scary huh! but it's a true story. they are the type of men who get bored with their wives so easily.

5) some men are daredevils. they are lazy, heavy smokers and day dreamers. in certain cases, their wives have to pay for almost everything. from car instalment to even water bill. they are so good at lying, giving excuses and playing with their words. you guys won't believe me if i admit that one of my good buddies depend totally on his wealthy wife to support him on his daily necessities. what a jerk!

sorry guys! i don't mean to offend anyone here. i just hope that some men will change their bad habits or attitudes for the betterment of their marriage life. remember, we are not perfect but we are all good-hearted human beings. period.