dare to dream

Thursday, November 01, 2007

my twin brother

my twin brother, Kamil left for JB this morning at 5 am. a foreign-based company has offered him an outstanding salary package and a good career development. i had a mixed feeling when i saw him leaving my big brother's house area. but i guess the sad feeling was more than any other feelings at that time. we've been thru ups and downs and shared our problems together. we have almost similar interest in many areas. we've fought like cats and dogs but most of the time, both of us are like Wayne Rooney and Carlos Tevez. we complete each other and love each other.

when my colleagues asked me what is one of the uncountable great gifts Allah has given to me. the answer is my brother, Kamil. he ain't perfect but he's cool! both of us are Manchester United diehard fan and we listen to Indonesian songs a lot. after completing his Diploma in Engineering at German Malaysian Institute, MARA offered him a full scholarship package to pursue his Degree in Germany due to his excellent CGPA point but he had to turn down the offer when he got involved in a horrific motorbike accident in early 1996. and the rest is history.

i love my twin brother a lot and i wish him all the best! this is my prayer to Allah s.w.t:

Ya Allah, Engkau panjangkanlah umur adik kembarku dan jauhkanlah dia dari segala bala dan bencana. Murahkanlah rezekinya dan ampunkanlah segala dosa dosanya. Engkau rahmatilah adikku dan masukkanlah dia ke dalam jannahMu tanpa hisab. Amin amin ya Rabbal alamin.